Research Policy
  • The College is set to achieve the next level of excellence through a well- designed Research Policy. To this end, the faculty members are continuously urged to take up research and publication works with greater assiduity and passion. This is to ensure that in due and inevitable course, Swami Sahajanand College of Commerce and Management (Autonomous), Bhavnagar achieves recognition not only as a college that imparts quality education, but also as a college that has outgrown its undergraduate character to evolve into an institution of genuine and meritorious research and development.
  • The College stresses the need to expand its footprint in consultancy, and in patenting of ideas emerging from research work.
  • To provoke more meaningful engagement with contemporary issues and to open conserve conversation in inter- disciplinary studies, the College has set a Sahaj Center for Multidisciplinary Research.
  • Other plans are on the drawing board to provide an impetus to developing the culture of research.
  • The college also plans to implement a scheme to support and incentivize professors who take up research and publish in peer-reviewed journals listed in UGC CARE, Web of Science, Scopus and other reputed platforms, write books or book chapters for reputed publishing houses.

Planned Incentives

  • An annual year-book in which publication will be listed with impact factor Citations h-index, among other numerical quality measurements.
  • Listing on a scroll of honor to be acknowledged by special mention in the Annual Convocation. Two members from each of the faculties – Humanity, Science, Commerce, Management and Education - will be shortlisted on the basis of highest score calculated on [total of (each Publication x impact factor)]. Their contribution to their respective field of the society will be acknowledged with an award.
  • Listing a special publication page on the College website / dedicated Research and Publication Notice Boards / Digital Notice Boards.
  • Publications to be shelved in hard copy in a special section in the library devoted solely to publication by college faculty / an online repository.
  • Seed money for attending conference to present a paper: for registration, or travelling expenses or part thereof.
  • Adjustment of teaching work-load
  • Promotion to Assistant/Associate Professorship on the basis of year of services, and merit and quality of Publications.

Strategies evolving to achieve the targets of the Research Policy

  • Promotion of inter-disciplinary research collaborations across all the departments through project proposals and grants funded by national and international research bodies and MoU partners including industries.
  • Incentivize staff members to publish research papers in standard journals along with students.
  • Encouraging and incentivizing faculty members to edit and publish articles and books on subject specific domains.
  • In order to foster skill development in commerce and management the College has become a member in the commerce sector skill development.
  • The College recognizes the Ph.D recipients among its faculty and students at the annual Convocation and Valedictory ceremony.
  • Research output is an essential criterion for faculty recruitment and promotion.
  • The College maintains a regulatory body in the form of its Ph.D Cell which conducts the Ph.D related activities.
  • The annual College multi-disciplinary magazine “Symphony” is published following the standard norms, intellectual property rights, Copyright and Patents are encouraged in the institute.
  • Encouraging student research, both independent and collaborative with faculty members. Departmental magazines and journals regularly feature students’ research articles.
  • To further encourage research by faculty members, the College reimburses expenses related to registration, travel and participation and presentation in National and International seminars, conferences etc.
  • In tune with the policy of research ethics and conduct, the College has subscribed to the Anti-Plagiarism software “Turnitin”.
  • Health and Safety protocols in line with ISO 9001:2015 standards are maintained in whole campus.
  • To secure National and State level Grant for research promotion and innovation and accordingly the college.
  • In order to promote innovation skill among students, the incubation & Innovation Cell (EDC) of Swami Sahajanand College of Commerce and Management recognizes student- groups submitting innovative Entrepreneurship proposal and subsequently the College has made a provision of seed money for developing a prototype.
  • The consultancy cell is proactive and has a general practice of providing research-based consultancy to industry and other business firm.
  • Developing in house products from research activities. For example, a sanitizer developed by Department of Microbiology has been distributed to students and staff free of cost.
  • There is a general practice of the college to support filing of patents and copyrights accordingly 1 patent and 5 copyrights have been published from the department of commerce, management and arts.